MCM Funding
Current/recent support for MCM development activities from the following sources is gratefully acknowledged:
MCM development activities have also previously received support from the following sources:
- NERC, as part of APPRAISE ACES thematic programme, and the MCM-IUPAC knowledge exchange activity (NE/E002706/1), BORTAS (NE/F018118/1), TRAPOZ (NE/E016081/1), Missing Reactivity (NE/J008990/1), CSS-AMINE (NE/I013474/1), REACT-SCI (NE/K003941/1), AIRPRO (NE/N007115/1).
- EU, as part of the 7th framework project EUROCHAMP-2 (and previously EUROCHAMP).
- Defra AQIP (and previously Defra AEQ and DETR AQ) as part of the "Modelling Tropospheric Ozone" project.
- Swedish Strategic Research Area "ModElling the Regional and Global Earth system (MERGE)"
- EU, as part of the 4th framework projects SARBVOC, BIOVOC and NUCVOC; and the 5th framework projects EXACT and OSOA
- NERC, through fellowship grans NER/K/S/2000/00870 and NE/D008794/1.