nitrooxy-acetone (NOA) photolysis cross sections (298 K) Data form the MPI-Mainz spectral atlas: Average of: 1. I. Barnes, K.H. Becker, and T. Zhu, Near UV absorption spectra and photolysis products of difunctional organic nitrates: Possible importance as NOx reservoirs, J. Atmos. Chem. 17, 353-373 (1993). 2. J.M. Roberts and R.W. Fajer, UV absorption cross sections of organic nitrates of potential atmospheric importance and estimation of atmospheric lifetimes, Environ. Sci. Technol. 23, 945-951 (1989). Quantum Yields A value of QY = 0.9 for formation of CH3C(O)CH2O + NO2 is assumed over the relevant wavelength range based on information provided by Mueller et al. (2014), informed by Suarez-Bertoa et al. (2012): 1. Mueller et al., Fast photolysis of carbonyl nitrates from isoprene: Atmos. Chem. Phys., 14, 2497–2508 (2014). 2. Suarez-Bertoa et al., Atmospheric fate of a series of carbonyl nitrates: photolysis frequencies and OH-oxidation rate constants: Environ. Sci. Technol., 46, 12502–12509, 2012. wavelength (nm) sigma (cm2) 245 2.29E-19 250 1.47E-19 255 1.07E-19 260 8.53E-20 265 7.63E-20 270 7.29E-20 275 7.02E-20 280 6.67E-20 285 6.25E-20 290 5.83E-20 295 5.18E-20 300 4.48E-20 305 3.61E-20 310 2.69E-20 315 1.86E-20 320 1.31E-20 325 7.90E-21 330 4.55E-21 335 2.20E-21 340 1.60E-21